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Makes a mean cornbread
Currently, I am a Statistical Demographer and the Training Director at the Center for Studies in Demography & Ecology (CSDE). My roles include support and training for CSDE students pursuing demographic and population research and providing consulting in statistical and demographic methods to CSDE faculty affiliates and students. I am passionate about teaching, mentorship, and research applications that improve the lives of people and communities.
I recently received my Ph.D. from the Department of Statistics at the University of Washington. In addition, I was a CSDE T32 Fellow and completed my training in demographic methods. My dissertation titled “Spatiotemporal estimation of period child mortality in a low and middle income countries context” was advised by Dr. Jon Wakefield (chair), Dr. Emilio Zagheni, Dr. Tyler McCormick, and Dr. Mark Ellis. My broad research interests include demographic methods, Bayesian spatiotemporal methods, survey statistics, and the places where all of those things overlap.
Born and raised in Alabama, I received my M.S. in Statistics at Auburn University. My thesis, titled “Group lasso for functional logistic regression”, was advised by Dr. Nedret Billor. I also received a B.S. in Actuarial Science and a minor in tailgating from the loveliest village on the plains. War eagle!!!